Face Eczema


You are covered in red, itchy blotches and you can’t hide.

With hundreds of thousands of children & adults suffering from eczema all over the world, the impact of eczema on your face is very real. It goes beyond the physical discomfort but expands to the psychological effects on you as a person.

When your face is red, blotchy, itchy, flaking, weeping and sore, you feel like hiding away but most of the time you can’t.

Walking down the street to be stopped by passers-by peering into your pram to comment on ‘what’s wrong with your babies face’…  Or your child coming home from school crying because kids in the playground are calling him names… Or going on a date in your teens to have very little confidence and feel so insecure.

These are heart breaking concerns.

As a parent seeing your little one suffers is like the most unbearable pain you can imagine. 

In the specific case of eczema on your child’s face, the best therapeutic course of action depends on several factors: namely, how much the condition has spread and your baby’s general health.

In this article, we’ll help you find the best eczema creams face treatments for your child. You’ll learn what eczema is, how you can prevent it, and what you need to do to treat it effectively in your baby.

Let’s get started!

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a type of dermatitis that can result in rashes, dry skin, and irritation. In most cases, children with eczema are deficient in filaggrina protein that plays a vital role in the skin’s barrier function.

How Can I Prevent Eczema On My Child’s Face?

It’s always better to prevent than treat. To help prevent eczema in your child, try following these simple steps:

  • Avoid lengthy showers with hot water. Instead, limit showers to ten minutes and keep the maximum temperature of your shower lukewarm.
  • Excessive sweating can dry out the skin. If your baby or child sweats significantly, try showering immediately after a big sweat session.
  • Limit wiping your baby’s face with towels. Always prefer air drying over wiping down.
  • Use wet compresses on your baby’s face to clean the skin gently without over scrubbing it.
  • Use mild soap when washing your child’s skin, and avoid soaps that contain excess fragrances or exfoliants.

How Can I Treat Eczema On My Child’s Face?

Some of the most common treatments for eczema on the face include moisturizing ointments, creams, and serums. There are dozens of options, but in particular, My Mia’s Skin Relief Kit is a gentle, natural, and toxic-free formulation with years of research behind it that provides a safe and effective way of treating skin conditions.

The kit has been specifically designed to help relieve dry, itchy, and inflamed skin naturally. To apply it on your face, follow the included instructions and make sure your hands are clean.

How Can I Support My Child After They have been teased with Eczema on their Face?

Slowing down from the busy-ness of our life is so important to see the signs. Sometimes, we may not even know they have experienced teasing/ comments in the playground, but then suddenly they will have a tantrum out of the blue or a meltdown over something completely irrelevant.

It is best to heal the emotional wounds as well as the physical wounds, because these scars may be with them for years to come. 

Some things you can do:

  • Spend time with them doing an activity and talk about what happened
  • Give them so much love, support and attention so their physical and emotional wounds are healed
  • Encourage a positive view of themselves

Final Words

Eczema on any part of your child’s body can be difficult to live with. In particular, eczema on the face can lead to pain, skin damage, and aesthetic issues which can hurt your child’s quality of life.

Now that you know what eczema is and how to treat it, you’ve taken the first step to helping relieve your symptoms. With the right attitude, knowledge, and skin products, you can help your child live a pain-free life.

For more information visit: https://www.skinrelief.com.au

Good luck!